Saturday, November 6, 2010

Student Needs Enter Higher Education-Counseling

As a high school counselor, I encourage students every day to take rigorous coursework to prepare them for post secondary education. They need rigorous coursework meeting state standards, district requirements, entrance assessments, and to be well-rounded in all areas. I also know that students need to be emotionally, physically, and behaviorally prepared for the move to higher education. I find students that have outside challenges to also over come. Many it is poverty, peer pressures, lack of social skills, and motivation. Counselors follow a curriculum when working with students to address student issues, yet, many fall through the cracks.


  1. I have many students coming into my classes in college that are totally unprepared. I am not sure what they believe about college classes, but I seem to spend the first few weeks of every quarter reminding them that this is no place for their sophomoric behavior.

  2. In high school, we continually try to motivate and tell students that in high school professors will not take late papers or projects. I think many students do not take us seriously. Many students are not motivated to even try to change. I believe society has a lot to do with this behavior. Society and societial norms are influencing the youth of today.

  3. Do you feel adult learners learn better in learning communities? If so, what are some positive and negative aspects of a community?
